To know the product by barcode, country and information about some of the important characteristics of this product, you can use the analysis of those figures which are printed directly under the strokes. Today the most popular is the European 13-digit EAN-13, which stands on the most marketable labels in Russia.
The first two or three digits contain the country code of the manufacturer. This code is permanent and unique to this country, it assigns the international trade Association EAN. So, numbers 00-09 will mean that the product is made in the USA or Canada, 30-37 France, 400-440 – Germany. Countries of the former USSR and Russia are coded under the numbers 460-469, China 690-692, 729 – Israel, 80 to 83 – Italy. Each country that supply their goods for export, has its own code, which indicates the first numbers.
Through a small, but visible to the eye space in the bar code next 4 or 5 digits represent the code of the enterprise in which manufactured this product. This will be a four-digit code for countries whose code is 3 digits, and a five-for those who code – two-digit.
Later a five-digit code refers directly to the qualities of the product. The first digit represents the product name, the second its consumer properties, the size or weight of the product, the fourth part of the ingredients, the fifth color code. The sixth figure, situated at a little distance is a test and is required to determine the authenticity of the product.
The authenticity of the product by checksum you can identify yourself. To do this, add up all the numbers that are in the even positions, and multiply this amount by 3. Remember the new number. Then put the figures standing on odd places and add the resulting amount to the one that you remember before that. Drop from the number of tens and the remainder is a Prime number, subtract from 10, the rest must match the check digit code. Otherwise, this product is fake and made illegally.