You will need
  • - 12 digits bar code;
  • - computer with Internet access.
Look at the first three figures standing directly under the bar code on the product label. They represent national trade Union, which joined the brand owner of the product. For example, numbers 460-469 are informed that the brand owner is included in the Union of trade organizations of Russia; the numbers 300-379, 400-440, 000-019 indicate the brand owners - members of trade unions - France, Germany and the USA respectively.
Please note that brand owners are not necessarily members of trade organizations of the countries where the product is produced. For example, the brand owner may be a member of the national trade organization of Italy, and the product code 800-839 (Italy) on the label produced in Russia.
Note that there are cases when the owner of the brand is without its barcode on any consignment of goods, and then it has the right to make the manufacturer of goods or the provider. In each case the first digit of the barcode will mean the Union, which includes either the manufacturer or vendor, and it also may not be relevant to the production of goods.
Feature international product code from the internal barcode which can label products in major supermarkets: internal code usually begins with the number " 2 " to avoid coincidences with numbers, formed according to the international standard (none of them starts with the two).
To make a request to GEPIR (Global Electronic Party Information Registry), a single global registry that stores information on the bar codes manufacturers, information about the producers, brief information about the product. Type in your browser and scroll to the "Test barcode (GEPIR)". For information you need to know all 12 figures. It is a reliable way to obtain information about the country of origin of the goods.