Start the introspection educator with the definition of goals and objectives that you set in the process of their work.
Next, you need to describe the conditions in which you work.

Rate the quality of the material-technical base. Explain whether the Cabinet, furniture, equipment, technical means, etc.

Describe the level of fullness of information security. Consider whether there is sufficient quantity present the required and optional textbooks, methodological manuals, Newspapers, magazines, etc.

Indicate which courses you have completed. Describe when, where and in what form you took them, what the document was issued.

If you developed any programs or techniques that provide information about them.
Describe the educational process which you organize. Explain what you mean by quality process, what ideas are implementing in it.

Show, what means, methods and forms do you use for the organization of educational activities, provision of information, communication.

Explain how you control the quality of the educational process, through which they receive information about what pupils accept and understand that they are interested in. Does this in the form of surveys, testing, external independent verification of achievements, etc.
Now, rate the quality of their work. To do this, consider what goals you have achieved, and what is expressed.

Provide evidence of satisfaction of pupils and their parents with the organization of the educational process, improving the nature of motivation and its level.

Please attach the list of certificates, commendations and other awards you have received.

Can add a list of participants and winners of various competitions.
Complete self-awareness, generalizing the information contained in it. Mark your strengths and weaknesses and possibilities for improvement of its activities. Specify, which prevents higher-quality work.