As an epigraph to choose a quote from the classics or authors on pedagogy. In the introduction write the main principle that you follow in their teachers ' work. It will be of interest to the reviewer and give him the opportunity to immediately evaluate you as a versatile personality with its own position on key issues.
Start the main part with the mention of his education, teaching experience and current job. Describe the basic and the additional load you're carrying in the school (classroom management, groups and clubs selfactivities etc.) you Can mention the name of courses for which you are conducting the lessons.
The structure of the self-analysis of pedagogical activities, regardless of which category you are applying is as follows:
the evaluation of the results of work in accordance with state educational standards;
- the correlation of the results of work with the objectives and stated objectives;
- understanding the value of their work in the context of educational work in General.
Write about the achievements of their charges: participation in contests and competitions, receiving awards and diplomas, and their subsequent studies at higher educational institutions. Describe what you see the ultimate goal of their work (the formation of some of the skills and abilities of the students) and by what methods for this guide.
Search the location and significance of their work in the context of the entire educational process is probably the most difficult self-examination. You will be required to demonstrate an understanding of how taught you discipline connected with other subjects and courses, what is the meaning of your studies for the formation of a holistic personality of the student.