Of course, the most spectacular and memorable – it's baubles with a name. To weave this bracelet is simple, this art is available to any novice, you only need to remember a few simple rules. There are two types of netting – direct and oblique, which are reproduced on the string or frame. They differ from each other as the resulting pattern, and method of tying knots.

You will need:
Embroidery floss
Embroidery floss

Crooked weaving easier and to begin to learn to weave baubles better with it. Cut an even number of threads with length of 4 times the size of the planned baubles (don't forget that it should tie, that is better to leave long ends). The average is 100 – 120 cm. All the threads tie up in a single weak knot and secure with a safety pin for any suitable object such as a pillow. This will prevent the thread from twisting.

Take the leftmost thread and tie it all subsequent threads. The knot is the usual – take the thread and tie a knot in it on the next thread, so they swapped. And so on to edge – you will get a diagonal strip of knots of the thread of the same color. It is important not to twist them and tighten the knots. Further left was the thread of a different color, take it and do the same and so until then, until all strings are not knit in, i.e. if you got 4 colors, then you should get 4 multicolored Chevron stripes. Next, the same operations are repeated until then, until the string acquires the required length. It is also possible to reverse weave. If now the knots were braided from left to right, the reverse weave all the same is done only from right to left. These netting can be alternated – the result is a zigzag pattern.

However, to make friendship bracelets with the name you need to master netting direct. Direct weaving differs from curve not only pattern, but also by way of tying knots. If crooked, you tied with a simple knot, the knot should be a double. It tied so that pulling it off the thread jumped on plateau, then passed into the formed loop and immediately fit another of the same knot. Both tight knot tightened. When knit in a number, the same thread weaves the knots in the opposite direction, they are tied in mirror image. The rows should be straight. The letters weave a thread of a different color. The knots in this knot in the opposite direction, i.e. if the main color you weave a number of to the right knots for the letter should promazyvaetsya flavou side.

Useful tips:
For weaving baubles with a name or use two colors, one primary background color and the second color of the letters. The length of the lines of the ground color should be several times greater than the bracelet, you can take a coil. For convenience, it can be wound into a ball.
For weaving baubles with a name or use two colors, one primary background color and the second color of the letters. The length of the lines of the ground color should be several times greater than the bracelet, you can take a coil. For convenience, it can be wound into a ball.