So what is fried, and how to deal with it? First, let's talk about some aspects of frying.

According to popular belief, when frying food abruptly begins to gain calorie ingestion fat. But there is one small caveat. Some products, such as potatoes, during cooking and formed a crust, preventing the penetration of oil. But the zucchini will absorb much more fat than potato. And when extinguishing the potatoes will be much more nutritious than frying.

To say that fried does not entail any harm, will, of course, untrue. Food lovers should remember that the production of fast-food TRANS fats are applied that affect the level of cholesterol in the body. And how here not to remember cardiovascular diseases.

However, this is not exactly so. Recent studies of Spanish scientists, published in the British Medical Journal, have completely eliminated the damage to the heart from the food fried in sunflower or olive oil.

A just rebuke to this method of cooking can be considered the destruction of vitamins when overheated. Carcinogens responsible for the increased risk of cancer, this treatment products are also present - from the truth nowhere to hide.

What to do if you can't, but I want

But, despite the harm that carry fried dishes, most still not in forces to refuse them. Without depriving yourself of tasty opportunities exist to significantly reduce damage to health.

Here are some tips on cooking and eating fried foods. Vegetable oil after frying needs to change. From vegetable oils in order of usefulness of product specialists preferred to sunflower Express olive. Some nutritionists suggest frying replace vegetable oil with butter.

When consuming fried experts advise to add fruits, vegetables, bread with bran. After a pleasant lunch, yogurt or sour cream will help flush the body of cholesterol and carcinogens.

If treated with the respect to the consumed food can significantly reduce bring harm, whether the method of cooking or anything else. In this case, the person fighting for your health can continue within reasonable limits, without depriving yourself of little pleasures.