Positive aspects of sterilization:

- Has a positive effect on the body. The procedure should be carried out as early as possible. The optimal period of 6 to 8 months. Sterilized cats are subject to less risk of developing cancerous tumors. Do not require the hormonal drugs which further cause diseases of the genital organs. Not unimportant fact remains that the pet will not feel discomfortable condition in estrus.

- Emotional stability. After the procedure, the pet becomes more balanced and flexible. It will not jump out of Windows or escape at the first opportunity.

- In the future there is no need long to figure out what to do with the offspring.

Advantages of the procedure are not enough, but as with any surgery, there are drawbacks:

- Anesthesia. You should choose a good specialist who will be able to choose the right dosage of the anesthetics. Low dosage make through the pet all the circles of hell, and will lead to overestimated mortality.

- Emergence from anesthesia. The effects of different anesthesia and occur individually. Pet may have and after an hour of frolic and mischief, and in some cases the whole day to lie in a stationary state. A long passage from the anesthesia require special care: changing diapers, feeding with a pipette or spoon.

- Obesity. As a result of the sterilization violated the metabolic processes in the body, which leads to a rapid gaining weight. To solve the problem simply. Balance diet pet. Do not overfeed, as this will lead to a number of other problems.

Finally decided to sterilize the pet, the first thing you need to do is visit the veterinarian. Specify the date and time of the operation. 12 hours before the procedure, the pet should not be fed. Purchase the necessary drugs and dressings. Cats are agile and active animals and can at any time remove the blindfold to get an infection from the outside. To avoid a complicated situation go with the flow.