You will need
  • - time, place, day, month and year of your birth.
Find out your date of birth. You can also specify the time and place of your birth.
Take the list of zodiac signs and focus on one corresponding to a constellation in which the sun was at the time of your birth. To do this, select the time period that you came into this world and see what zodiacal sign it corresponds to.

Aries ( ♈ ) March 21 - April 20;

Taurus (♉) - 21 APR - 21 may;

Gemini (♊) - 22 may - 21 June;

Cancer (♋) - June 22 - July 22;

Leo (♌) - 23 Jul - 23 Aug;

Virgo (♍) - 24 August - 23 September;

Libra (♎) - September 24 - October 23;

Scorpio (♏) - October 24 - November 22;

Sagittarius (♐) - November 23 - December 21;

Capricorn ( ♑ ) is December 22 - January 20;

Aquarius (♒) - January 21 - February 19;

Pisces ( ♓ ) is 20 February - 20 March.
To determine your zodiac sign is not difficult. Since the entry of the sun into each sign roughly corresponds to certain days of the calendar that we use today is the Gregorian one. It is enough to know the day and month of your birth. But if you want to create a personal horoscope, then also the date you'll need your birth up to 1 hour and calculating the exact position of the sun in the zodiac at this point (sometimes required and place of birth). To do this, use the astronomical calculation for the sun position. Here you should consult a professional astrologer, well versed in astronomy, or to resort to the help of special computer programs. They will conduct the necessary calculations, it is enough to drive the date, place and time of birth. The program can be found on the Internet.