You will need
- - computer or laptop
- - Internet access
The website of the program "Wait for me" is quite simple. Opening the home page, you'll note the upper right corner. Here is a search string with the words "are you?" You have to enter your name, then click the search button. Attention, the website is in Russian, so the data have to be entered in Cyrillic.
Please note that if your name was changed, for example, in connection with the marriage, it makes sense to look for a maiden name. It is likely that there will be someone who doesn't know about changes in your personal data, searches for and cannot find.
After you run the search the system will quickly determine if someone from searching for you in its database. If the answer to the query is positive, the screen will display a link where you will learn about those who are looking for you. If the search is not giving results, then you get a proposal, use the advanced search method and the link where you need to go.
Web site of the program "Wait for me" offers three options advanced search. In the first case, you will be prompted to specify the number of the application that issued the person who is looking for you. But, most likely, to use this option, you will not be able, due to the fact that I don't even know if you are looking for, and whether furnished on such application. So go to the second option.
In the form of a website, you must enter the name and surname, but a patronymic, the creators of the website, for some reason not considered important for search data, so the line for it is not provided. To enter the data you need Cyrillic letters, but upper or lower – doesn't matter. The system distinguishes between both registers. Further insertion in the appropriate lines gender, year, when you were born, and must specify how the system will sort the search results. There are two options: - by name or by date when the application was filed.
A third search option is designed for those who saw the TV spot where he's wanted or learned about it from friends. In the search field will need to specify the length of time that could be shown a video clip of your data. Enter the day, month and year of the beginning and such the end of this period. In the list of countries, select the one in which the subject was shown about what you are looking for. There are only 7: Ukraine. Moldova, Kazakhstan, China, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Some countries will open additional line with the name of specific programs, for example, "Ukraina (Morning)". Specify also, whether there was shown a major release or a small search video. The system will be more accurate in searches if you specify a part of text, which were made in the project.
If all 3 of the search have not yielded a positive result, it is likely that through this project you no one is looking. However, at any time, you can apply and try to find someone from friends or relatives. For this it is necessary to pass simple registration procedure on the website and tell about this person as possible.