When choosing a children's camp, note the conditions of placement of the child. At the moment, the camps offer such as: luxury (accommodation for 2-3 people in the room, facilities in room, television, renovation), improved (accommodation for 4-5 people in a room, conveniences on the floor, body in the proper form), standard (accommodation for 6-7 people in the room, toilets in the buildings, outside shower). When choosing the placement talk to your child - someone wants to live 2-3 people in a room, and someone is bored in such a small company. In children's camps with well-organized leisure luxury accommodation is likely to be useless - the kids busy all day and come to room only for sleep and rest.
Once you decide the terms of the placement of your child, check out food, which offers camp. Pay attention to such things as: availability of own Baker's pastry, a variety of diet weight portions, the presence of four meals a day.
An important part of counselors and educators of children's camp. Learn how the camp administration calls the team. Great if the camp has a permanent staff, which does not change from shift to shift. In this case, you will be able to find reliable and detailed information about guides, read reviews. But while such camps are rare. Most often, the camp contracts with the students of pedagogical teams for the period of stay of children. Such groups are formed at schools of the city. They consist of enthusiastic students usually love children and their teaching vocation.
Try to find leisure activities that will offer your child. Some camps from year to year under the old program. The other change to the change for children come up with interesting games, legends and entertainment.
After choosing a children's camp that meets you and your child, you need to know where you order and pay for a ticket. In order to get the permit in sanatorium-health camp, you must contact the district doctor-pediatrician. For vouchers in country improving camp and camp of day stay should apply to the education authorities .
3-4 weeks before the start of the shift take care of the paperwork:
1. Certificate according to the form 079-U. Must be obtained from the school physician or in the office of the district pediatrician.
2. Special medical card, which draws the district doctor-pediatrician. In the map must be given information about the child's health, vaccinations, diseases.
3. Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological environment, which is issued by the authority of SES by place of residence for three days prior to departure.
4. The medical card.
5. The trip to camp, filled and sealed.
6. Photocopy of the birth certificate. At the request of the employee performing the registration at a children's camp must present the original document.
7. Photocopy of medical insurance.