To stop quickly excited, learn to soberly assess the situation. Look at it from different sides. Find out if there's real cause for excitement or nervousness, or you just cheat yourself. Rate how important it is for you. Because if that happens you almost never applies, and the reason for concern. Consider the worst-case scenario. Think about what could happen. Even if the situation is really complex, it sensibly assessed, you will be able to calm down a little and avoid excitement.
If you want not to get aroused quickly, learn to relax. Choose an effective method of relaxation. First, you can just breathe. Breathe deeply and think at the same time. So, on first 8 accounts take a breath, and then exhale the second 8 accounts. Secondly, you can carry your player with your favorite music and turn it on when you feel that you start to get excited. Thirdly, if you started to get nervous, then try to step back from the situation and relax. Go away to another place, assume a comfortable position and relax.
Work out. This advice may seem strange, but in fact, physical activity helps to throw out the emotions and all the negative energy. In addition, sports disciplinary and learn to control yourself when necessary. But if you decide to choose from team sports, you can learn how to interact with people, assess the situation, to think logically and react quickly. All these skills will certainly help you to learn not to get excited too quickly. But even if you stop the choice on, for example, swimming or fitness, you still learn to avoid excessive and rapid actuation.
Often the cause of excitation is a mismatch of reality to expectations, or heightened sensitivity to others. So, first, it is important to understand that people do not have to adapt to you and try to please you. Second, understand that it is not always the situation depends on you or someone else. Sometimes what is happening can affect unforeseen circumstances, which no one he could not guess. Suck it up and not expect miracles. Think in realistic and always be ready for any turn of the plot. And stop criticizing people, even if they do something wrong.