First experience Masturbation young man or woman get in very early adolescence, when fragile the human psyche can be easily excited even from the thought of sex. Unfortunately, not all parents are able openly and wisely to talk with their children about the dangers of this habit, that, throwing away a large amount of seed, the young man loses a huge amount of nutrients. So contained in the semen lecithin is a key building material for the brain, and practising Masturbation, the person is significantly behind in development from their peers. Although female anatomy is very different from the male type of the body structure, the girls also suffer from Masturbation, indeed, the very fact of self-satisfaction negatively affects relationships with the opposite sex, and fantasies or watching porn create a negative stereotype of the normal relationship between a man and a woman.
The process of Masturbation is rarely complete without watching porn, which negatively affect the view on the opposite sex. In the end, it is not possible to have a fulfilling and strong relationship.

How to quit masturbating

The main problem with Masturbation is to have a large amount of free time and lack of life goals. Indeed, in the period of youth man has great potential of vitality, which requires the subject use. Finding positive and creative use of, the excess vitality is looking for a way out. In the end, loitering around and full of desire teen decides to try to masturbate.

It is hard to imagine Suvorov and Bagration, who, during a military campaign is to inspire warriors to feats, simply masturbated in my tent under the pretext of development of the strategy of the future battlefield. A person engaged in the achievement of this goal will not be exact to masturbate at least because it has several other goals regarding his vitality. So, the first stage on the path of liberation from the need to masturbate is to acquire the target, which is able to inspire. Such a goal may be an increase in earnings, extension of professional expertise and, of course, sports. Exercise or sport will fill the void in my life and help force the body into positive change, on Masturbation simply won't have time. And no the doctor does not need to stop masturbating. All problems are only in my head.

Masturbation and day mode

People-dependent process of self-satisfaction rarely respects the mode of the day. Moreover, the wankers have a lot of free time and go to bed well after midnight. Good advice regarding how to quit masturbating is to establish the correct order of the day. Ideally you need to get up no later than 08:00 in the morning, and go to bed between 23:00 and 00:00. Because most of the cases of Masturbation applies just the same to the time after midnight, when nobody walked in the room and will not interfere with this action.
Masturbation in any case should not cause guilt because it will only complicate the rejection of this harmful habit. Getting rid of Masturbation is taken as a task with a positive attitude for a successful outcome.
The presence of life goals and the correct order of the day, raise self esteem, give strength and improve mood. With only these two factors, people will realize that he's too good, and generally cool to masturbate.