Take "no-silos" inside, squeezed small amounts of water. If "no-Spa" is assigned to the General treatment, take it through 30-45 minutes after eating, emergency appointment not to follow this rule. Act the drug takes 10-20 minutes, the maximum concentration in plasma is reached after 45-60 min.
The maximum daily dose for adults ─ 240 mg, the usual daily dose ─ 120 mg. the Daily dose divided into 2-3 doses. A single maximum dose of ─ 80 mg "no-Spa Forte" contains the maximum single dose in each pill, if you want to take 40 mg ─ divide the pill. If within 2 days of starting self-treatment the pain does not pass ─ consult your doctor. Longer welcome"shpy" is not permitted, except when a medication is prescribed as additional therapy.
Children 6 to 12 years, "But, silos," you can't give more than 2 times a day maximum daily dose of ─ 80 mg, i.e. 2 tablets. Children over 12 years "Nospanum" give 2-4 times a day one tablet, the maximum daily dose ─ 160 mg and maximum single ─ 40 mg.
"But-shpa" does not have embryotoxic effects on the fetus, and therefore can be used in pregnancy, for example, for removing uterine tone. The drug should be administered by a physician, it is best to avoid injections of "no-Spa". In the period of breastfeeding question about the "shpy" should be solved individually.
Indications for admission "shpy": spasms of smooth muscles, tension headaches, menstrual pain. You cannot take this drug in severe forms of renal, cardiac and hepatic failure, children up to 6 years. Very carefully need to accept patients with low blood pressure, so that the active substance acts on the muscular wall of the vessels. "But-shpa" in the solutions for injection are sold by prescription only and should not be used without a doctor's prescription.
Side effects when taking therapeutic doses, "But-shpy" occur only in 0.01% of patients. Headache, palpitations, nausea, urticaria, insomnia-the most common complaints associated with taking the drug. If was adopted by a large dose of "But-shpy", is required to wash out the stomach and as soon as possible deliver the victim to the hospital or call an ambulance.
Tablets in blister aluminum/aluminum stored 5 years at temperatures up to 30 ° C, the tablets are in blister aluminium/PVC should be stored at temperatures above 25oC, the shelf life ─ 3 years, tablets in bottles should be stored protected from light at 15-25ºc for 3 years from the date of issue. Analogues "shpy" ─ any antispasmodics containing drotaverine as active substances. It is necessary to take into account that their effectiveness may vary slightly from the effectiveness of the "But-shpy", side effects and frequency of their occurrence is also different.