You will need
  • - the nebulizer;
  • is a medicine;
  • - saline
Follow the cleaning and disinfection of nebulizer parts: nozzles, measuring Cup, mask, nebulizer chamber with soap and warm water. Wipe the parts clean and dry towel.
Take a measuring Cup ( most nebulizers it is present in the kit. If no - buy at the pharmacy) and then proceed with the preparation of the solution.
As the solvent, use a sterile saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride). You should not use boiled or distilled water. The temperature of the solution at the time of inhalation should be below 20°C.
As a medicines for sore throat you can use herbal product "Tonsilgon". In the product contains chamomile, oak bark, walnut leaves, horsetail, yarrow, dandelion, marshmallow root. Therefore, the "Tonsilgon" safe for adults and children. For the treatment of angina in children from 1 year to 7 years, fill the beaker 1 ml of the drug "Tonsilgon" and 2 ml. of saline. For adults and children over 7 years old – dilute the drug with saline in a ratio of 1:1.
Well as angina effective inhalation using the drug "Miramistin 0,01%".
For the treatment of angina in children under 12 years fill the beaker 1 ml of the drug"Miramistin 0,01%" and 2 ml. of saline. For adults and children over 12 years: dilute the drug with saline in the ratio 1:2. Inhalation should be performed 2 - 3 times a day.
Pour contents of measuring Cup into the reservoir for drugs.
Assemble the nebulizer chamber. For this purpose inside the tank with the medicine, insert the drum, close the lid.
For the treatment of angina should be attached to the nebulizer chamber mouthpiece. Nebulizer chamber is ready for use.
To start the procedure, you must attach one end of air duct pipe to the connector on the reservoir for the drug and the other end to the connector directly on the compressor. Plug in the power cord nebulizer. Using the buttons on the case enable the nebulizer to the operation mode.
Grasp the mouthpiece of the nebulizer lips. Breathe by mouth. The breathing should be slow and deep. Be healthy!