When writing this document will note that the wording "preparation of petitions for rewarding of employee" does not mean drawing up the petition. In the normative acts, regulating the procedure of awarding of workers, understood as the preparation of the petition by the entire staff, and certain types of instruments, provide instructions on paperwork or other documents.
If you intend to include in the system administration of the petition to the promotion, the development of consider some of the details: be sure to take the place for the credentials. They depend on anyone to shape. This request is made by the head worker, but do not indicate in the petition the data, access to which has only the personnel Department. Enough for him the General information that is known to the Manager of the employee.

If you include graphs for more information, for example, the experience of work in the organization, etc., that they populated with the employee of the personnel Department after receiving a partially completed application by the employee's leader. And then do not forget to specify who should fill in this section.
Consider the petition site for information about the availability of employee unexpunged disciplinary action.

Provide graphs for a quick worker characteristics. If you do not involve to specify what kind of promotion you want to apply to the employee, formulate a common proposal on the application to employee award without specifying which.
The application form will provide a place for the signature of the employee who made the petition.

And if you want to Express your attitude to the request, in the development of application forms leave room for the expression of a specific solution or conclusion.