"Faringosept" - description

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis and stomatitis. Also, it is recommended in the prevention of complications after tooth extraction and tonsillectomy.

Antiseptic effect on pathogenic microorganisms by damaging their structure of proteins and membranes. "Prescribed" is only valid in the place where it was found, therefore its use is safe in pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is available in form of tablets for sucking is Usually 10 mg. in one package is 20 tablets. Also in the candy composition includes excipients — lactose and sucrose. People with diabetes should take into consideration the sugar contained in the product. In addition, this drug should not be taken by patients with lactose intolerance. "Prescribed" has no side effects. Contraindications only if allergic reactions to antiseptic components.

"Faringosept" - manual

The drug acts only in the oral cavity. If properly applied, it does not enters the bloodstream and breast milk. Nursing mothers should lozenges to dissolve slowly, they can not chew or swallow. Resorption induces the production of saliva, which eliminates dry mouth and throat, pain and sore when swallowing.

Antiseptic is taken for 3 hours before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. The dosage is assigned by the attending physician and shall comply with the General status of women and may vary slightly from that indicated in the instructions. The usual dose ranges from 3 to 5 lozenges daily. The course of therapy is 4 days. Excess dosage did not increase the action of the drug and can also cause allergic reaction. It is therefore necessary to follow strictly the instructions.

The effect occurs immediately, as the drug reaches its maximum concentration in saliva after 3 to 5 days. However, the admission of "Faringosept" in the initial stages of inflammatory diseases will save in the future from the use of unwanted breastfeeding antibacterial drugs, in which it is necessary to stop lactation.

Thus, "natural remedy for nursing mothers is an effective and safe option for the treatment of diseases of the throat. The drug can be used by virtually any person, except for infants and early childhood, when the baby still can not dissolve the candy.