Data is a collection of information that is recorded on any media - paper, disk, tape. This information should be in a form suitable for storage, transmission and processing. Further transformation of the data allows to obtain information. Thus, information can be called the result of the analysis and transformation of data. Our database stores various data and management system base can issue for a particular query the required information. For example, it is possible to learn from the school database, who lives on a certain street or who during the year have not received bad grades etc. Data becomes information when they are interested in. It can be argued that information is used data.
The word "information" comes from the Latin informatio, which means "information, statement, explanation". Also called information about objects, phenomena of the environment, their properties, which reduce the degree of uncertainty, incompleteness of knowledge. As a result of the exchange of information is a more complete view of the subject, an increased level of awareness.
The information does not exist in isolation by itself. There's always the source that produces it and the receiver perceive it. The role of source or sink supports any object - human, computer, animal, plant. Information has always meant a specific object.
The person receives information from a variety of sources - reading, listening to radio, watching TV, when he touches the subject, trying to taste the food. The same information different people can perceive differently.
Depending on the scope of use, there is a scientific, technical, economic and other types of information. This is the strongest means of influence on the personality and on society as a whole. According to the famous expression, who holds more information on any issue, he owns the world, that is, is in an advantageous position in comparison with others. In everyday life of information depends on the development of society, the health and life of people.
For millennia, humanity has accumulated vast reserves of knowledge, all of which continue to increase. The amount of information in our days is doubling every two years. In any situation, even the most mundane, is effective only current, complete, accurate and understandable information. Only actual, that is, timely information can benefit people. Weather forecast or warning about the hurricane, it is important to learn before, and not in the same day.