FGS is applied for detection of various diseases, specific diagnoses, to establish the necessary procedures of treatment. Fibrogastroscopy stomach gives a great opportunity to follow the development of the disease in detail to get acquainted with the condition of the surfaces of internal organs and, if necessary, take samples of their tissues.

FGS is absolutely safe for human health treatment. All parts of the endoscope, which are in contact with the patient are cleaned and sterilized automatically, which prevents any infections.

The doctor carried out the study must be familiar with the condition of his patient, and also to know all his disease to avoid potential complications and adverse events during the study procedure.

Preparing for FGS

Preparation for the procedure, the FPS is a process more responsible and long-lasting than the diagnosis. To begin with, the patient should psychologically be prepared to trust the doctor. In addition, he must be familiar with information about drugs used in the research process, to prevent allergies.

FGS stomach pretty quick procedure (takes no more than 10 to 15 minutes) and painless. The study is carried out early in the morning on an empty stomach. The night before dinner is recommended no later than 7 PM and one day prior to the procedure, it is necessary to refuse from eating meat, legumes, fish, and other indigestible products.

In the morning of the test is strictly not allowed to smoke, eat, chew chewing gum and drink. Before the procedure is performed premedication, and the language of the special anesthetic is injected. Exceptionally, the procedure FGS of the stomach is performed under General anesthesia.

Indications for FGS

Procedure FGS is used for diagnosing various diseases of the stomach, duodenum and esophagus. In addition, it allows you to control the dynamics of disease development.

The study FGS allows you to diagnose the following diseases:

- gastritis;
- duodenitis;
- stomach ulcer and duodenum;
the existence of different erosions;
- polyps of the stomach and other diseases of the digestive system.

Also fibrogastroscopy is the leading diagnostic method to identify this disease as gastric cancer, at a very early stage.