To stop being afraid of the sick with cancer, you need to understand that cancer is primarily a tumor. Cells and even learned how to multiply uncontrollably and spread within a single organism, the strategy for the transition from one body to another they have no there is. In this they differ from viruses and bacteria, in which the search for a new host included in the life cycle. Cancer, killing the body, and in the end he dies along with him. Therefore, in healthy people there is no need to worry that the cancer cells will be passed to them by close contact with the patient. But even if that accidentally happens, for example, in the care of the patient or the use of a single set of clothes or utensils, the immune system now recognizes foreign cells and will do everything possible to instantly destroy them. In fairness, it is worth mentioning that in every human body almost every day there is one or other the mutated cells that have the potential to give impetus to the development of cancer. And they are all immediately destroyed. As long as the protection system will not fail. Or, on the contrary, never occur.
Even in the case of Oncology, the cause of which specific bacteria or viruses, for example, liver cancer or cervical - cancer risk of transmission reduced to such a minimum that the statistics prefers not to consider at all. That is, the medicine does not deny the probable infecting the same human papilloma virus in contact with a healthy person is infected, but the infection does not mean that the person will necessarily develop cancer. For the origin of cancer requires the concurrence of several circumstances, and the virus is one of them, and not the most important.
And we must not forget that cancer cells are primarily cells of the human body, though mutated. This means that once outside the body, they are killed immediately. Therefore, neither the saliva of the sick person, or any other discharge from the bodies are not dangerous in terms of transmission, that is, the sick person can and hug and kiss and change his underwear without the risk of being infected by his cancer. Moreover, do not get sick even if immediately prick with a needle, which only had an injection of the patient. Science is aware of only one case, when healthy, the surgeon cut his hand while removing the tumor, he soon fell ill with the same type of cancer. But a more detailed study, it was found that it was just a coincidence. The doctor already had all the prerequisites for the development of the disease and with high probability would be sick, even if nothing would have happened.