Blood cancer, or leukemia arises in the bone marrow, which produces blood cells. However, he begins to produce large number of abnormal white blood cells or leukemia cells. They do not perform those functions that are typical of normal white blood cells, grow faster and do not stop its growth at the right time. After some time, the leukemic cells displace normal leukocytes. A person begin serious health problems: anemia, there are various of bleeding and infectious diseases. Leukemic cells can also penetrate into various organs and lymph nodes and cause pain and swelling.
The doctors don't know what is the cause of leukemia. We only know that certain factors increase the risk of leukemia. These include: strong radioactive radiation, influencing the person, frequent contact with chemicals (e.g., workplace); chemotherapy in the treatment of other type of cancer; disorders at the genetic level; down syndrome; nicotine dependence. But most people who face these risk factors does not necessarily get leukemia. And many of the patients are not exposed to the reasons listed above.
However, there is a theory that was developed in the 40-ies of the last century, the Russian virologist Lev Zilber. He came to the conclusion that the virus can alter the genetic basis of healthy cells and this leads to its uncontrolled division. Also, scientists have found that viral structures present in tumors only in the early stages of development. Thus, the virus only triggers the pathological process, tumor cells will multiply without his participation. Statistics says that among the carriers of these viruses to the development of malignant tumors says only a tenth of a percent. Must match too many factors to get infected with the virus develop cancer.
Now it is known about several types of viruses are responsible for 15% of all tumors developing in humans. If we talk about cancer of the blood, then there is a virus T-cell leukemia. This is a fairly rare virus, it is transmitted through sexual contact, blood transfusion and breast feeding. This oncovirus is the cause of the disease T-cell leukemia, causing the pathological division of T-lymphocytes. However, the disease almost never occurs in Russia and in Europe, dominating in the Caribbean and in the South-Western region of Japan.
For the successful treatment of leukemia and other cancers, the decisive factor is the timely treatment for medical help. The first signs that you can suspect yourself blood cancer include: poor blood clotting, fever, headaches, night sweats, rapid formation of bruises, swollen lymph nodes, frequent infections, loss of weight and appetite, feeling of weakness and fatigue, pain in joints and bones pain and swelling in the abdomen, enlargement of the spleen. You also need to undergo regular preventive medical examinations, including blood tests.