In the judicial system of Russia the first link are global and district courts, whose competence is strictly delimited. It category of cases that can consider these bodies are the main difference between the two. Otherwise, the process of resolving civil disputes and criminal cases is almost identical, because these courts apply the same procedural rules and regulations. In this district and magistrate courts cannot enter into disputes about competence, they just need to allow the possibility of examining each of them received the claim.
World courts have strictly defined category of cases that fall within their competence. One of the main limitations when considering property disputes data of the judiciary is the price of the claim, to the magistrates court cannot exceed fifty thousand rubles. Even at minimum exceed this value it is not to be considered in world court. Moreover, if in the course of the proceedings the size requirements will increase and will overcome the specified boundary, the case should be transferred to the district court. Among other things, referred to the jurisdiction of magistrates ' courts, highlight disputes relating to divorce (in the absence of a dispute about children), disputes about the division of property between spouses (with the restriction on the price of the claim to fifty thousand) in the case of the issuing of court orders and certain other disputes.
Competence of district courts in proceedings is determined as a residual. This means that in these courts, the applicants should contact with any claim that does not fall under the category of cases under the jurisdiction of the world court. In fact, the district courts handle the vast majority of cases, and also act as the appellate court against the justices of the peace. In other words, precisely in the district courts must be appealed the decisions of magistrate courts, which the parties consider illegal. In addition, district courts are Federal, and the world – are funded from the specific budget of the subject of our country that is also a significant difference between the two bodies. Ordinary applicant to resolve the question of which court should I contact enough to confront their requirement with a list of cases before magistrates ' courts. If the planned requirement in this list misses, then you should sue in district court.
Especially the competence of the world court
World courts have strictly defined category of cases that fall within their competence. One of the main limitations when considering property disputes data of the judiciary is the price of the claim, to the magistrates court cannot exceed fifty thousand rubles. Even at minimum exceed this value it is not to be considered in world court. Moreover, if in the course of the proceedings the size requirements will increase and will overcome the specified boundary, the case should be transferred to the district court. Among other things, referred to the jurisdiction of magistrates ' courts, highlight disputes relating to divorce (in the absence of a dispute about children), disputes about the division of property between spouses (with the restriction on the price of the claim to fifty thousand) in the case of the issuing of court orders and certain other disputes.
Features of the jurisdiction of the district court
Competence of district courts in proceedings is determined as a residual. This means that in these courts, the applicants should contact with any claim that does not fall under the category of cases under the jurisdiction of the world court. In fact, the district courts handle the vast majority of cases, and also act as the appellate court against the justices of the peace. In other words, precisely in the district courts must be appealed the decisions of magistrate courts, which the parties consider illegal. In addition, district courts are Federal, and the world – are funded from the specific budget of the subject of our country that is also a significant difference between the two bodies. Ordinary applicant to resolve the question of which court should I contact enough to confront their requirement with a list of cases before magistrates ' courts. If the planned requirement in this list misses, then you should sue in district court.