The Kachin higher military aviation school (KWAME)

It was renamed Krasnodar school of a name of A. K. Serov (or KWAI). History of the school began in 1930, the year when according to the order of people's Commissar of defense was formed on the 30th Military school of pilots. Initially, the institution was located in the city of Chita. In 1939 the school was named Serov, who received Hero of the Soviet Union and died in the course of the military operations in Spain. In 1960, the year the school was relocated to Krasnodar.

Today KWAME produces military pilots for service in bomber, fighter, assault, long-range, military-transport aircraft. Cadets who complete the training receive the highest military specialty – a military pilot. In addition to military education, and civilian assigned to the qualification "engineer on operation of aircraft, air traffic management".

This specialty fully complies with the educational standards adopted in Russia.

The school trains specialists in 4 departments:
- basic flight training: a study of the theoretical foundations, initial flight training cadets pass in Krasnodar;
- fighter aircraft: the flight crew is preparing to Armavir training center (specialty - military fighter pilot);
- bomber, ground attack aircraft: the training is held in STS aviation training center for the specialty of a bomber pilot, pilot-attack;
transport, long - range aviation: pilots prepare in Balashovskiy training center aircraft based here and trained civil pilots).

Syzransky military aviation school (SHAWL or PILES)

Another name – Syzran military Institute. The country's only military flying school, which trains military helicopter pilots. Organized in 1940, the year as a pilot school, in 1998, became the highest military educational institution. Today recruits cadets for training in the specialty "operation of aircraft, air traffic management". Flight profile – a military pilot-helicopter pilot.

After graduating from College (in 5 years), the student receives the qualification of engineer. The school has two faculties:
flight: casual, combat activity of the aviation military units. After training are awarded the title of "Lieutenant" and qualification engineer and pilot.
technical: operation of engines, aircraft, repair them. And operation of navigation, flight systems and electronic equipment. The qualification of "military technician". The term of study at this school in 3 years.