You will need
  • - passport;
  • - a passport.
To purchase the ticket may need only two documents - this regular and a passport. The type of document that is required when booking the ticket, depends on the country which the traveller intends to visit. If all movements are planned exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation, for the purchase of the ticket will be enough of a Russian passport – he will have to present at the airport at check-in. However, the territory of some CIS countries, too it is possible to get at the internal Russian document. Such agreements act with the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Also check Russian passport is possible in Abkhazia.
To purchase tickets to all other countries a passport is mandatory. The countries are divided into three categories: those for which advance visa; countries, a visa which can be issued on the spot, and countries for which no visa is required. A list of the latest each year adjusted. Unchanged in this list are Israel, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Montenegro and some other countries. In addition, each year the number of countries with which Russia has bilateral simplifies visa regime.
One more important thing to consider when booking the ticket is the period of validity of the passport. There are a list of States, which is only possible with a passport with sufficient validity period. For some countries this period must not be less than 6 months at the time of entry, for others – at least 6 months at the time of departure. In some countries you can enter with passports valid for another three months. Therefore, to issue tickets on one passport, and then remembering to change it to another: check pass on the document to which an issued ticket.
In addition to countries where access is not burdened with special formalities, there are also those in which this process are very serious. Prior visa to visit Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries are mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the decision about visa issuance is positive, but the percentage of failures still exists. Therefore, purchasing tickets in these areas, you need to be aware of the current tariff. If the standard fare, then refund the ticket. But if the rate will be unrecoverable (mostly tickets for some stock and sales), you get much more unpleasant: the visa is refused, and the money for the ticket is not returned. So find out such details is better on the beach.