You will need
  • - passport of the groom;
  • - passport of the bride;
  • - statement of marriage (form will give in the registry office prior to submission);
  • - receipt about payment of state duty in the amount of 200 RUB for registration of the marriage;
  • -the certificate on divorce or certificate of death of former spouse (if you have not first marriage)
  • -permission to marry (for persons under 18 years of age)
To apply to the Registrar on submitting the application you need at least 1 month before desired day of marriage. The maximum period from filing to registration 2 months. In a shorter time the marriage may be concluded if the future husband - a soldier with the direct threat to the life of one of the parties, during pregnancy or child birth. In most cases you will paint in the same day.
Some marriage Palaces accept applications in advance for the entire wedding season. All weekends, holidays, and beautiful date, as a rule, booked in the first days. To avoid surprises call several pre-Registrar.
Be prepared for the fact that the desired date can be fully occupied or only early morning and late evening. Not to appoint a new day right in the registry office, the house select 2-3 dates that are convenient for you.
Also you can apply to the Registrar through the Internet. For this you need to pre-register on the "Single portal of public and municipal services". Select "State registration of conclusion of marriage" and fill all the required information about wishing to marry. Placing an order online, you book the date and time of registration, but to apply you will still have to be in the registry office before the time listed on the website number.
Advance future spouses should discuss the time of the change of name. Time to solve this at the time of submission of the application you will not. The bride may take the name of the groom or leave her family. Also the couple can take a double name.