Everyone should know graduate

You can study as a fee, or for free, in person, by correspondence or at evening classes – procedure for the protection of the diploma thesis is identical everywhere. Defence of a thesis must pass before the attestation Commission, which includes at least 10 people. Moreover, it is worth considering that among them will be professors, some will come from other cities to evaluate the quality of training of graduates of your institution. The Commission is headed by the Chairman. He could not directly understand the theme of your work, but in the field of knowledge in which you defend, is strong for sure.

For the protection of the thesis is provided with a spacious audience, because all applicants-graduate students will be present in the office, and all graduate leaders, including yours.

How to behave on the protection of

Traditionally, the protection is in the following scenario. Initially, the graduate student read the report, which was presented at the undergraduate protection and verified by a Manager. Reading by heart, without relying on paper. But it is more suitable for those who theme is absolutely. About the speaker takes no more than 10 minutes.

At this time, the members of attestation Commission have the opportunity to see directly with thesis, as it is in front of them on the table. However, it is worth saying that to notice any significant flaws at the time of protection is hardly possible, as so little time. If the work has a practical visual part, handouts, drawings, the Commission will pay attention primarily on them.

In recent years, many graduates accompany his speech at the defense presentation. It's always impressive. But if you haven't scheduled a presentation, don't worry. Importantly, to put in his speech, accents, point out the novelty and relevance of the study on the practical significance and use.

For a successful performance you must have a good knowledge of the topic of their research, ability to speak before an audience and the main thing – to cope with anxiety and try to speak confidently. It's always captivating the audience. Be prepared that after you finish talking, you will be asked questions, perhaps even beyond the scope of the thesis. Questions will be able to enter your opponents – sitting in the hall classmates. It is important at this point to focus and safely give your opinion using expressions "in my opinion", "in my opinion" and so forth. the minimal gestures, if you got used to it.