When writing the conclusions to the thesis work focus on 2-4 pages – this is the usual amount of detention. Conclusions it is better to write not "solid" text, and to structure the points (at least three), paragraphs are numbered. Visual and informative it gives more clarity generalizing formulations. Well-structured conclusion will serve as an excellent basis for a report which you will make to the defense of their thesis.
Relate insights of graduate study with its General plan, which typically involves three parts: theoretical, empirical and recommendation. Accordingly, the results presented in the conclusion, can be divided into three blocks. In the end, in the conclusion you will, for example, seven items: a couple of insights on the theoretical Chapter, three points for empirical study, one item – based recommendations, one description of the prospects of further studying of this problem.
The answer to the question "what needs to be included in the conclusions" to be even more simple if you turn to the objectives and hypotheses of their study indicated in the introduction to the thesis. All of what you wrote in the future tense ("define", "identify", "to conduct a comparative analysis", etc.) translate the verbs in the past tense, revealing the result itself ("Network journalism has been defined as...", "we have identified the following types of the Internet audience...", "comparative analysis of the audiences of printed and online publications has shown that...").
Try to Express the thesis in a clear and concise manner. Do not overload the conclusion with details, quotes, examples, figures, and names without having – all of this should be in the main text of the thesis. In conclusion, you need to show if you have achieved the objective of the study confirmed the initial hypothesis that it was possible to understand, identify and do in the course of the task. As in other sections of the diploma, the scientific style here requires the use of impersonal constructions ("it was revealed" that "was designed").