Why is the baby drooling?

The first cause salivation in infants – the natural increase of the secretory activity of salivary glands. In newborns, they do not work in full force, saliva in very young children tough, and stands out a bit.

Approximately six weeks the glands in your mouth begin to function more intensively. To swallow abundantly released liquid child it is not time, so the saliva drains out. Soon the mechanism of regulation of salivation becomes more Mature, and the problem is solved.

Later the child begins teething. The first teeth also accompanied by increased flow of saliva. Because of the itching in the gums the child pulls in a mouth handles different objects, which further irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth and stimulates the activity of the salivary glands.
Usually with the appearance of the first tooth saliva becomes much smaller.

It is impossible not to take into account the bactericidal properties of saliva in the baby's mouth gets a lot of bacteria from the skin, teethers, rattles, and other objects, the organism seeks to protect itself from pathogens, literally washing them with the mucosa.

Much less active salivation is the result of any disease – most often it is allergies, viral infection or Central nervous system. In such cases there are usually other symptoms – nasal discharge when allergies and infections, impaired reflexes in diseases of the nervous system.

What to do with increased salivation?

Since infants are not yet able to care for themselves, parents have to monitor closely the condition of the child and regularly wiped dry his mouth and chin, flowing down to the saliva does not irritate the skin.
If you are still around the lips appeared redness and peeling, get rid of them will help the ointments and creams with panthenol soothe irritation and stimulate skin regeneration.

Saliva can drip on clothes, soaking the fabric. So under clothes because of this not had any irritation, best time for the child to wear "bibs" - collars with waterproof lining.

The kid can dream to choke on saliva and cough this is a cough is not a symptom of disease and not a health hazard. If the cough continues and day, accompanied by fever – it is necessary to show the child's pediatrician to rule out infection.

If the child is teething, massage his gums with your finger wrapped with a piece of sterile bandage or apply a special gel that will relieve itching and pain, reduce the flow of saliva.