What is compressed yeast

The calorie content of compressed yeast is approximately 109 calories per 100 grams.

Fresh compressed yeast is sold in packages of various packaging from 50 g to 1 kg. They have a pinkish-gray color and a pleasant sour aroma. This product contains high number of live microorganisms, so it is especially appreciated by cooks. For this reason, compressed yeast have a short shelf life – at room temperature they can not keep more than a day, and in the refrigerator they retain their properties within two weeks. That's why when you purchase should pay attention to the date of production of this product and storage conditions. Fresh yeast should have a uniform color without dark spots and crumble, not smeared, when breaking off.

How to use compressed yeast in cooking

No wonder compressed yeast is also called baking or pastry, because they are most often used for preparing various bakery products, including butter. It is believed that the dough with the addition of yeast is a much more lush and tasty.

If pressed yeast is a little a little dried out, they should be dissolved in tablespoon of warm water add ½ tsp of sugar. If after some time they taposiris, so their properties recovered.

Before use the required amount of compressed yeast should crumble, lay in a ceramic or glass dish and dissolve in half a glass of warm water or milk without added salt and sugar. The temperature of the liquid must not exceed +40oC, otherwise the yeast will die. Then the yeast should be left for 15-20 minutes in a warm place before use to prepare the dough.

For nesdobnoe yeast dough usually add 25 g of compressed yeast for every 500 g of flour. Thus for the preparation of products in the bread maker is usually recommended to take two times less yeast for the same amount of flour, and for making dough – twice.

To prepare the dough for baking products in the bread maker, it is also possible to mix compressed yeast with a dry. In this case, 500 g of flour should have 10 g of fresh yeast, and 1.5 tsp dry instant.

How to use compressed yeast in cosmetics

In addition to using in cooking, pressed yeast suitable for the preparation of cosmetic masks. This product contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the skin tone of the face and body. To prepare yeast mask, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of yeast in a small amount of water to produce a thick slurry. Then it should be applied to clean skin and leave for 10 minutes. To dissolved yeast you can also add a little sour cream or honey.