Causes of burning sensation in heart

At the first appearance of a burning sensation behind the breastbone should be referred to a specialist, that he determined a specific cause of illness, as this symptom can signal a serious heart disease. In addition, similarly, may appear diseases of the peripheral nervous system, spine, gastrointestinal tract and stress. Burning in the region of the heart characterized by conditions such as menopause and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Quickly relieve the burning sensation caused by nervous stress, use of sedative drugs.

Burning in region of heart is the characteristic symptom of angina. In this case, it is localized behind the breastbone, is uncertain and often radiates under the shoulder or in the left hand. Stenokardicheskie burning typically occurs as a result of physical activity and terminated in a relaxed state of the body. With dystonia a burning sensation starts in the left part of the chest and does not calm down even after receiving the "Valokordin, Validol or Nitroglycerin".

What are the drugs to remove the burning sensation

If the burning sensation caused by angina, to relieve it will help tablet of Nitroglycerin placed under the tongue. If after five minutes the medicine will not work, you should take another pill and if the effect is again equal to zero, it is advisable to think about calling an ambulance. Burning in the region of the heart, called dystonia, can be removed by using the shot, lying on the left side of the chest, as well as sedative drugs.

Intense and prolonged attack of burning, which is not facilitated by any medicine, could be a sign of developing myocardial infarction.

Often people suffering from shortness of breath and burning sensation in the chest caused by age or neurological problems that can be cured with prescription medicine. So, for the preparation of medicines will need ten lemons, a litre of honey and ten heads of garlic. Lemons to squeeze, and heads of garlic, peel and grind in a meat grinder. Lemon juice, ground garlic and honey mixed in a glass jar, tightly closed and left it for a week in the fridge. Prepared medicine should be consumed daily, four teaspoons a day, for two months. Each meal needs to be single, to miss it is not recommended.