Types of operations

Surgery there are several types:
- planned operation, the outcome of which does not depend on run-time. Usually in front of them the patient undergoes a complete diagnostic examination. The operation is performed in the most favorable moment when there are no contraindications with other authorities. But if there are comorbidities, elective surgery is performed in a stage of remission. Typically, these operations are performed in the morning before the appointed time, experienced surgeons;
- urgent – operations, also conducted in the morning hours after the examination and preoperative preparation. Such operations shall not be suspended for a significant period of time because it may lead to death of the patient, or significantly reduce the likelihood of recovery. These are usually performed after 1 and 7 days after admission of patient in a medical institution or the diagnosis;
emergency – carried out immediately after diagnosis of the disease. Preparation and correction of the patient's condition in this case occurs during the operation.

There are also diagnostic of the operation, aimed at clarifying the diagnosis and determining the stage of the disease. These operations are carried out when the examination with additional methods cannot make an accurate diagnosis, and the doctor, in turn, may not exclude the patient has severe disease.

Complexity of operations

The complexity is determined by the degree of risk the forthcoming operation for the life of the patient. It is influenced by: the physical condition of the patient, age, nature of the disease, presence of comorbidities, the duration of surgery. Also of great importance is the qualification of the surgeon, experience of the anesthesiologist, pain relief and the level of provision of anesthesia and surgical services.

There are the following degrees of complexity of operations:
first degree – when the patient is practically healthy;
- second degree – the patient's lung disease without breaking the core functions;
- third degree – severe disease with impaired function;
the fourth degree is a serious disease of a patient's threat to his life;
fifth – the possible death of the patient after twenty-four hours after the surgery or without it;
- the sixth degree of the patients operated on an emergency basis;
seventh – very heavy patients operated on an emergency basis.