The main symptoms

When unconscious the person's skin becomes cold, moist and pale. There is a strong dizziness, and weakness. Also possible symptoms of fainting: shallow breathing, weak rapid pulse, floating spots before eyes, blurred vision, nausea.
These symptoms may occur at the time of syncope or precede this condition.

First aid

To avoid complications, if a person complains of severe dizziness or have abruptly lost consciousness, you need to take the following measures. First, make sure that the air in the required amount enters the respiratory tract. Be sure to check for a pulse. Listen carefully to the breath. If not breathing and pulse, immediately start chest compressions.

If the victim is breathing evenly and he has a normal pulse, while the Airways are free, gently put him down. Raise legs 20-30 cm from the surface of the floor, placing them under the available products (clothes, pillow etc.).

Inspect the victim, for locket or bracelet stating that he suffered from any disease. It can cause fainting. Loosen clothing that may constrict (collar, belt).

Apply on the forehead of the victim wet towel or wet the face with cool water.

Nausea turn victim on side.

If the person is unconscious for several minutes immediately call the ambulance.

Please note: if you faint in any case it is impossible to slam the victim on the cheeks. Also do not let him sniff ammonia, or salt. Until people finally come to the normal state do not let him eat or drink.

Causes of syncope

As a rule, syncope caused by circulatory disturbance of the brain. The reasons may serve as: tobacco smoke, the heat, the stuffiness, pain, starvation, overwork, long-lasting condition without movement, strong feeling of fear or joy, emotional turmoil.

Many causes of syncope require medical intervention, in particular: low blood sugar, low hemoglobin, use of certain drugs, convulsions and epilepsy, disorders of cardiac rhythm.

If a person has fainted for no apparent reason, medical help should be sought in the following cases:
he's 40 years;
- fainted before;
not regained consciousness after 5 minutes.