If the constant consumption of mineral water

To answer this question, it is necessary to consider in detail the classification of mineral waters. Mineral water has a weak mineralization and a small number of biologically active components. This water can be consumed constantly completely healthy people without any restrictions.
In gastritis, accompanied by low acidity, it is recommended chloride-sodium mineral water that take a long time half a Cup 30 minutes before a meal.

Therapeutic mineral water has a mineralization from 1 to 10 g per cubic decimeter. In therapeutic and prophylactic purposes it is permissible to use such water in limited quantities. That is, as normal drinking medical-table water is not suitable.

Therapeutic mineral water is highly mineralized and contains a large number of biologically active components. Apply this water is only recommended by physician's prescribed dose for the appropriate duration of treatment of certain diseases. this is especially true for those who have a sick liver, kidneys or other internal organs.

If we consider the chemical composition of the ion components, we can distinguish six classes of mineral waters chloride, hydrocarbonate, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and sparkling. All classes of mineral water can have different degree of mineralization and is intended for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Gas composition and content of specific components allows to subdivide mineral water to sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, silicon, iodine, bromine, ferruginous, radioactive and arsenic.
Chloride-calcium water with high salinity is used for various diseases by the doctor.

How to choose mineral water

For daily continuous use in unlimited quantities, choose mineral water. It can be consumed perfectly healthy people who do not suffer from chronic diseases.

Curative mineral water buy on the recommendation of a doctor. Drinking such water can be slightly warm without gas before or after meals. If the patient is exhausted or weakened, treatment is initiated with a low dose and gradually increase it to the recommended.

Mainly in the sale of mineral water in plastic or glass bottles, pre-aerated with carbon dioxide. This water keeps the mineralisation allows for treatment in non-zones.

When choosing mineral water read the label carefully. If the mineralization is weak and on the bottle says that the water refers to the dining room, you can drink it instead of plain water without any harm to health.