In stationary conditions (where there is electricity) use kit Ready Yota, Yota Yota Ready Ready II or III. Any of them are USB modem and a pre-configured router. From each other they differ by the presence of the Ethernet outputs, as well as the maximum number of devices that are simultaneously serviced by WiFi. To the older model, you can connect up to four computers or laptops cables, and up to ten smartphones, tablets or laptops in any combination besplatnim way. You can also use the device in the "Internet center". It is also already configured, but the USB socket was missing, since the 4G modem built right into it. Cables it can not connect to anything but Wi-Fi - up to fifteen devices.
If you are going to give the Internet in stationary conditions, and where there is no mains power, use the router Yota Many. It can operate from the power supply and the internal battery. To share an Internet connection, he can only over WiFi. It features a switch that allows you to quickly change the mode of the distribution: with or without a password. You can also use the device "Wi-Fi modem Yota". It is similar to a USB modem, but it works differently. From USB it gets only power (your battery it is not), and the distribution of the Internet produces over WiFi. Nourish it from the laptop powered from the mains or batteries, the AC or car chargers with USB output, desktop computer, external stand-alone charger with built-in battery and USB interface other device with a USB socket, etc, the device which feeds the modem has sufficient power. Yota Many, and "Wi-Fi modem Yota" also come pre-tuned.
For Internet distribution primarily in your conditions fit your device, the "Mobile router". Fully charge its battery, after which it will be a long time to work offline. Distribution of Internet is through WiFi.
In stationary conditions (where there is electricity) use kit Ready Yota, Yota Yota Ready Ready II or III. Any of them are USB modem and a pre-configured router. From each other they differ by the presence of the Ethernet outputs, as well as the maximum number of devices that are simultaneously serviced by WiFi. To the older model, you can connect up to four computers or laptops cables, and up to ten smartphones, tablets or laptops in any combination besplatnim way. You can also use the device in the "Internet center". It is also already configured, but the USB socket was missing, since the 4G modem built right into it. Cables it can not connect to anything but Wi-Fi - up to fifteen devices.
Also to distribute the Internet from your smartphone, supporting LTE, installing a SIM card Yota. Will fit including the recently released YotaPhone. Use mobile router that is built into the Android operating system. For example, YotaPhone, use the menu item "Settings" - "modem Mode", create a virtual router name, and enter it, enter a password if you want to create a closed access point, and click "Save". Now turn on the router "Settings" - "More" - "Wireless & network" - "Internet tethering". Now the virtual switch on the screen you can turn on and turn off the router.