Problems with the facial skin: a dermatologist or beautician?

Dermatologist - a person having diploma in the relevant specialty dealing with the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. A dermatologist reveals the causes of skin problems and is trying to neutralize directly the root of the problem, not the symptom. The dermatologist conducts a consultation, and only after questioning the patient about his habits, diet, lifestyle, hygiene can make a diagnosis and identify the source of problems. In difficult cases required to conduct the tests.

The cosmetician - the dermatologist by training, but have specialized in cosmetology. Beautician, unlike the dermatologist, not looking for the cause of the problem, and dealing with the symptoms, that is cosmetically removes imperfections on the skin. The specialist can advise the client and suggest something, for example, drink some vitamins, but these tips will be just a subjective opinion of an expert, and following them might make your skin worse.

It is worth noting that in Russia are very common, cosmetologists only certificates of completion of relevant courses, but such "masters" seldom go to work in beauty salons or dermatological centers.

For serious skin diseases comes to the aid of first dermatology, which finds the root cause and then builds a course of treatment, and a cosmetology, which helps to correct the resulting skin blemishes and restore skin an acceptable appearance.

Causes of skin problems

Before you spend money on expensive treatments and consultations will determine the degree of "neglect" of the problem. You may not will need expert help and you will be able to cope with skin problems through their own efforts. To understand whether the intervention of a specialist, one should rule out all possible causes of skin problems:

1. An improper diet. In the human diet should be harmony. Also try to eliminate the sweet, sparkling beverages and spicy foods from your diet and observe the result.

2. Hormonal imbalance is one of the most popular causes of problems with the skin, especially in adolescents. To exclude this reason, hand over the analysis on hormones.

3. Poor hygiene. Washing face to 2-3 times daily, with warm water and a light tonic (for those who have delicate skin), or just soap (for those who have rough skin).

Important to know: zastivanje of the skin, which is often observed among those who too zealously fights acne and cleans the face of various means several times a day, often leads to clogged pores and further formation of acne and comedones.

Eliminate these three reasons, and you are likely to realize that intervention is not required.