What diseases are treated by an endocrinologist

The endocrinologist should treat diseases of the endocrine system, which includes the pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal body, thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands. Such diseases include: diabetes insipidus (hypothalamic dysregulation or pituitary, causing a feeling of constant thirst), diabetes mellitus (disease that occurs due to lack of the hormone insulin), autoimmune thyroiditis (enlarged thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency in the body), impaired calcium metabolism (a change in the content of calcium in the blood), a disease Itsenko-Kushinga (disease that causes dysfunction of the adrenal gland), acromegaly (excess growth hormone), violations triggered by abnormalities of the endocrine system (obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders, muscle weakness, disturbances in sexual function, osteoporosis).
The endocrinologist treated with frequent depressed moods, and problems related to attention disorders.

Symptoms that you want to refer to an endocrinologist: a constant feeling of fatigue, frequent fatigue without a specific reason, trembling of hands, feet, irregular menstruation, prolonged or heavy menstruation, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, difficulties with the transfer of heat or cold, problems with appetite, significant weight changes without any reasons. The endocrinologist also apply in the case of sleep disorders, infertility unclear origin, with nausea, frequent constipation, when the deterioration of hair, nails. These symptoms often indicate the presence of endocrine disorders, in particular, changes in the thyroid gland, disorders of calcium concentration in the blood (excess or deficiency) and other abnormalities of hormonal origin.

As holds reception endocrinologist

During the initial appointment, the endocrinologist examines the data of medical history, interviewing the patient, determines his condition. The doctor performs palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes, the blood pressure, listens to the heart. Depending on the patient's complaints and results of the initial examination the patient can be assigned to additional tests.
Additional methods of examination of the endocrine system include ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, lumbar puncture, etc.

Some doctors, endocrinologists spetsializiruyutsya on the treatment of certain diseases. Depending on the intended disease, you can contact diabetology, the gynecologist-endocrinologist, specialist in thyroid diseases, the children's endocrinologist.