Offer to buy fresh fish to your neighbors on the porch. Hang in courtyards, where you live, ads that sell urgently fresh or marine fish. Over time, you will have the phone numbers of regular customers, fresh catch, which you will be able to sell surplus fish caught.
Post a free ad to sell fresh fish online at sites, and web Bulletin boards. To this advertisement was published, you need to register on the website and fill out the online form for ads.
Please contact with an offer to buy fish in wholesale markets specializing in the sale of frozen and fresh products. Better if it is a fish base. Maybe as an exception you will be fresh quality fish at a reasonable price in such a wholesale point.
If you are going to often sell fresh fish, register the SP (PE), purchase a license, certificate of sanitary-epidemiological stations and sell their own products in the market or with the assistance of the seller.
Sometimes the fishermen sell the excess fish caught, not far from the place of catch, for example, not good fishermen, which this time was not lucky with the fishing and bring home fish I would like.
Fish caught you can zavyalit in the summer sun, in winter - insulated-ventilated room in the dryer. This product has a better chance of implementation, he is kept longer and lovers of dried fish are easier to find. Dried, stockfish, salted fish, besides for sale at cheaper prices than live or frozen. To resort to this method of fish preservation is possible if the fresh product you have in stock many and sell it for some reason you did not or could not.
Buy or make a smoker for fish. Smoked fish you can sell to the same customers, and with great success.