To reach Minsk by train, bus, car. Despite the small distance from Moscow is about 400 miles, the train before it goes a long time - almost 12 hours. It departs from the Leningrad station. The number of a train 603/604. Goes more often in the summer than in the winter. The schedule changes every year. Therefore it is better to specify the date and time of departure for free help by phone: 8 (800) 775-00-00.
Buses to Torzhok leave from the metro station "Tushinskaya". Travel time around 7 hours. "Tushinsky" - the third station of Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line. The bus station is 100 metres from the entrance to the subway. To find it and not get lost, you need to sit in the first wagon from the center, find the exit to suburban trains, take the escalator and turn left. Then go outside and immediately turn right - there will be bus Parking and ticket office of the bus station.
The fastest way to get to Tarusa by car. You can go two ways - Riga highway through Volokolamsk, Shahovskoy, Zubtsov, Rzhev and Selizharovo. Or on the Leningrad highway through Tver, Torzhok, and Kuvshinovo. The road is about the same as, but Novorizhskoe highway is expanding at the entrance to Moscow, therefore, because construction work is often formed congestion. Travel time - about five hours without taking into account Moscow traffic jams.
Also in Ostashkov you can drive through Tver, which from Moscow go train from the Leningrad station. From the Central bus station, ride bus and bus to Ostashkov. Journey time - about 4 hours.