If you feel that the vertebrae are "off" or the painful sensation, tightness, disturbed coordination, immediately call your doctor. You will diagnose. The quality of diagnosis is radiography in multiple projections, which allows to make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment, as well as computer and magnetic resonance tomography.
Do not try to straighten themselves displaced vertebrae, do not stretch, massage, do not try to fix the position of the exercise. It is dangerous not only for your health, but for life. Only a doctor can prescribe appropriate therapy, which will lead to positive results and avoid serious complications and problems.
You may be given surgical or conservative treatment. Conservative treatment involves a set of procedures that allows you to get the vertebrae back in place. The most effective method is vibrocompressed on the "Urgana" or drawing on the VDU.
If the displacement of the vertebrae damaged or jammed nerve endings, you will be assigned a radio frequency trigeminal rhizotomy, which will ease the pain and allow for alternative therapy or to prepare for surgery.
You will also prescribe acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, if necessary, massage and medical gymnastics under the supervision of a specialist.
The operational method can assign the ineffectiveness of alternative medicine. If you are scheduled for surgery, do not give up, so another method to insert the vertebrae in place there. You will have a spinal fusion, using for building staples, screws or rods.
After any treatment you will undergo repeated examinations, the constant wearing of the corset, the restriction on heavy lifting, physical exercises to strengthen muscular system.