You will need
  • - Alcohol tincture of calendula, cotton pads;
  • - Laundry soap, milk, gauze or bandage;
  • onion, salty bacon, salt, bandage;
  • - the fruits of fennel, chamomile flowers, leaves of fireweed, hop cones, grass marjoram, peppermint, flowers of meadowsweet, the roots of calamus and grass of cyanosis.
In order to quickly cure chiry, you will need an alcohol tincture of calendula. Soak cotton pad in this solution and apply to the affected area of the skin, hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this procedure every 30 minutes throughout the day. The very next day you will notice how it gradually fades away.
There is another equally effective way of dealing with boils. To do this, grate one tablespoon of soap and mix with half a glass of fresh milk. Put on a slow fire and cook until until the consistency will not come to a state of jelly. This tool put on a gauze bandage and apply to the inflammation, and secure with a bandage. This procedure should be done several times a day up until the abscess will not break out.
Take one medium onion and 30 grams of salted pork fat, all finely chop and add a teaspoon of salt. Try pound, the resulting mass wrap in a bandage and apply to the boil, secure with a bandage.
However, to treat chiry is necessary not only outside, but inside with the help of herbal decoctions. For this you will need one of the fruits of fennel, two parts of chamomile flowers, three parts of leaves of fireweed, two parts hops two parts marjoram, two parts peppermint, two parts of flowers of Filipendula, two of the roots of calamus and one part grass of cyanosis. All mix well, take two tablespoons of cooked collection pour half a liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos all night, take 1/4 Cup three times a day before meals. You can apply this tool in the form of compresses on the affected area once a day for 40-60 minutes.