Determine which profession you are going to get. If it is close to your present, for example, you have higher education in the specialty "accountant", and you're going to become a specialist in international Economics, you can pursue higher education in the chosen profession on an abbreviated program. For a number of professionssuch as Barber, can be quite professional courses.
Select a suitable school. Pay attention to his status, the learning environment is especially important for those who want to the evening or correspondence education, not all schools provide such programs.
Submit the documents to the selected UNIVERSITY or College. Bring your passport, high school diploma and the previously received diplomas. Depending on the conditions of the University, you may need to pass an interview for admission or take entrance exams. In this case, find out the dates of the respective entrance tests.
If approved your candidacy, begin training for a new profession. Attend all classes and do independent work, if you want to get not just a document of completion, and real knowledge.
If you have the opportunity, during training follow the practice of the specialty. This will give you important on the labor market experience after graduation. This is an important advantage when seeking employment.
Pass final exams and receive a diploma or a certificate for a new profession.