You will need
  • - ice;
  • - Apple cider vinegar, iodine, salt;
  • - garlic and vinegar;
  • - alcohol tincture of Arnica;
  • - cottage cheese;
  • - the onion.
Lay sick, raising the injured limb higher. Make a pressure bandage and apply to the injury site ice or something cold on it. If the impact was on the face or body, and a pressure bandage hard to do, will help cool gadgets.
Treatment with ice should continue during the day, changing it as heat. After one day, the cooling can be stopped. Should change tactics, going on heating with warm baths, compresses and lotions contributing to the speedy removal of edema and resorption of bruises.
As a rule, the doctors in case of serious injuries prescribe a course of treatment using special ointments, dry compresses, and physical therapy. When damage to bones or internal organs, is assigned a special treatment.
As for folk remedies, with strong bruises helps Apple cider vinegar. Heat the 500 ml of Apple cider vinegar in a water bath. Add a solution of 4 drops of iodine and salt (2 teaspoons). Soak in liquid fabric and wrap it bruised place. Put on top of ice bags, wrap everything with plastic wrap and secure the bandage with a towel. Make the patient lie down for 20 minutes. If in the first day to carry out this procedure a few times, you can get rid of quite a large hematoma.
Garlic also can treat injuries. Take a couple heads of garlic and 500 ml of 6% vinegar. Pounded garlic, add the vinegar and leave to infuse during the day. Shake the flask from time to time. Mixture RUB the injured spot.
Chest injury can be treated with an alcohol tincture of Arnica. Lotions of undiluted solution of Arnica is used in the case when as a result of the injuries appear to be scratches or abrasions. If sores exist, the tincture should be diluted in 1:10 ratio.
Applying curd gives good results in treatment of knee injury. Pity the product is not necessary to tape the bruised spot a pack of cheese and wearing the compress, without removing. To change it, preferably once a day. Onion is also used in the treatment of injury of knees. Squeeze the juice of onions, soak them in fabric and attach to the knee as a compress.