More complex, but interesting way - growing thuja from seeds. However, unfortunately, the seedlings grown from seeds of the varietal plants will not necessarily inherit its decorative and other features. On the other hand, you can get new and interesting garden shape.
So, it is easier to grow th from seed, planted them in the ground in the fall. Planting depth should be 1.5-2 cm. please Note that seeds should be freshly harvested. Stratification, that is, the period of stay of seeds in the cold pass naturally and in spring the seeds will germinate. If you want to germinate seeds in the bowl to prepare it a mixture of garden soil mixed with sand. Cover the planting with a glass, but daily ventilate. After emergence of seedlings the seedlings. Later transplant grown plants in pots. At the bottom lay the drainage as the substrate, use a mixture of turf, conifers, ground sheet, humus and sand in the ratio 1:1:2:1:1.
Care for seedlings prytinyayuchy them from direct sun, preventing the drying of the soil. Accustom the seedlings, germinated in the bowl or the box to the sun and the fresh air slowly, then transplant them into the garden bed. Transplanting arborvitae is transferred easily and in 3-4 years you will get a seedling that can be planted in a permanent place.
In vegetative reproduction arborvitae cuttings you take from the upper part of the crown is quite young plants with the desired traits. Cuttings carried out either in the spring, before the buds swell, or from mid-June to mid-July, when active growth has stopped.
The shaft to be more likely to take root, it is necessary to take the "heel", that is, a small piece of wood of the parent tree.
After receiving the handle, treat it of 0.01-0.02% solution of IAA, after the cutting in the solution for up to three hours and planted in the greenhouse vertically, tightly objav the ground around the buried part. Mixture for grafting should be loose, this can be achieved by adding coarse sand, peat and perlite. Avoid waterlogged, spraying the cuttings are planted, watering is preferable.
Rooted cuttings of quenched airing the greenhouse, but leave them in the first year to spend the winter in the greenhouse. After they can be transplanted to the beds.
Less common methods of vegetative propagation TUI, horizontal cuttings when a branch of the mother plant bends down to the ground and sprinkled the ground, the vegetative period and divide multi-stemmed cultivars.