First, think about what you are not the first and not the last man, to defend the diploma. Across the Board of teachers takes place every year dozens of graduates. So, bias should not be afraid.
Second, thoroughly prepare a defense speech. It will be your calling card. As a rule, the speech at the graduation can be read. But for anybody not a secret that telling people makes eye contact with the audience, and this much has to itself. Therefore it is better to learn the text. Your story on the defense must be clear and coherent, literate and concise. If you begin to choke or stammer from an excess of emotion, take a deep breath and apologize.
Prepare a handout. It usually includes information which you will touch while protecting. It can be summary tables, graphs, charts, drawings. Make copies on a few more than expected number of members in the Commission. Better you will be able to get more than someone is not enough.
Usually after the performance of the graduate student, the Commission may have questions. Do not worry and do not get caught off guard. Better get ready for it. As a rule, the teachers emerge from the comments of the reviewer, so review them before you protection and make a detailed answers. In addition, questions can appear in the disputed areas of the thesis, or you will be asked to justify their point of view on a particular issue. Consider the comments of the Commission do not as a desire for you to "fill up", but as an opportunity to speak, to tell more about the chosen topic.
After the questions of the teachers say your closing remarks by thanking all those present for their attention, and thesis supervisor for assistance in writing work.