Clean finished brew from impurities with potassium permanganate. In three-liter jar of moonshine, pour 2 – 3 grams of potassium permanganate. Close the jar, shake and put in a water bath at a temperature of 50 – 70 degrees Celsius for 10 – 15 minutes. Wait until the sediment and pour out the clean drink.
Add to 1 liter moonshine alcohol 8 – 10 g sodium carbonate. Stir and leave to infuse for 20 – 30 minutes. Then stir again. After 10 to 12 hours, drain and remove sediment.
Freeze the moonshine – that it will improve the taste and water, frozen to the wall of the container, will absorb fusel impurities. Pour the brew into a thick-walled vessel, e.g. a bottle of champagne, close and place in the freezer or in the cold for a few days. Water together with impurities to turn into ice. Then pour clean brew into another container until the ice melted.
Add in 3 litres of moonshine alcohol 50 tablets of activated charcoal 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oak bark, a pinch of vanilla, a handful of dried cherry and leave for a week. Then strain and add another 20 to 40 tablets of activated charcoal. Leave to infuse for at least another week. Or miss moonshine several times through a water filter, use a new tape.
Whisk the whites with water or 200 ml of skim milk and immediately pour in 1 liter moonshine drink. After 2 – 4 days, when the mixture is white and flakes will settle to the bottom, pour the clear liquid into another container.
Get rid of the odor by using coal – to 12 liters of vodka take 400 grams of fresh birch coals. Leave the mixture until then, until the coal to settle to the bottom and the liquid becomes clear. Then carefully drain the brew and dilute with water (2 parts drink to 1 part water). Add 800 g of crushed raisins, walnuts, parsley or apples and skip the re-brew through the machine.