Cost of minute of conversation, most operators are pretty small, so the cellular communication affordable for the General population of our country, and with it many useful services and features for subscribers.
If you are owner of the HTC Desire, hide own number in the following way. On the main menu, tap the following: settings - call settings -additional settings - my room. On the screen you will see three options: network default, hide number, show number. Clicking on the “hide number”, you will be able to classify its own phone number. Many modern mobile devices are equipped with such a feature, so if you have a different model, do not worry - it is possible this feature is in your phone.
Some mobile operators provide the service of anonymity, and find out the phone number of the caller, no one can. For example, MTS has introduced the service ”CLIR”, which allows through simple steps to classify a private room. To prevent highlight on the display of the call recipient your phone number, dial the following combination - #31# (phone number) and press “call”. This feature allows you to remain undetected and call your family and friends or complete strangers.
Using this kind of anonymity, you will not be able to find a phone number. Unfortunately, this service has opened up opportunities for fraudsters and all sorts of adventurers, who, under the cover of anonymity, can make illegal actions, such as blackmail, extortion, and more. If your address is carried out such actions, immediately contact law enforcement authorities who contact the mobile operator will find the attackers and punish them to the fullest extent of the law.