You will need
  • - Personal Bank account;
  • - notarized documents;
  • - notification about acquisition of legal entity status.
Define the purpose of your Fund. It can be used in a charitable or investment purposes, to be both private and public. To open a Fund as capable citizens of the Russian Federation, persons without citizenship, legally staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Invented register your Fund with the Ministry of justice, providing the necessary package of documents with its statement in the approved form (notarized); the Charter, the decision (Protocol) on the establishment of the Fund; documents confirming the right of use of a legal address; a receipt for payment of registration fee (scrip is 4000 rubles). Registration of the Fund is about one and a half months, during which the Ministry will review the documents submitted.
Make mandatory registration with the appropriate government agencies. To do this within five working days, the Fund needs to register, to enlist the testimony was and the testimony of ROSSTAT.
Select the appropriate system of taxation. In law the newly established Fund involves the submission of a statement of transition to the taxation under the simplified system up to five days after setting in the tax authority on the account.
Open an account as a separate legal entity. Here you have complete freedom of choice, since the Fund can open unlimited number of accounts in any Bank throughout the country, both in foreign currency and in rubles. But remember that after opening of the account is imperative in the course of five days to report it to the tax authority.
Will receive the necessary notice of acquisition of legal entity status of extrabudgetary funds: the pension Fund, mandatory medical insurance Fund, Social insurance Fund.