First, ask for forgiveness from the people close to you whom you intentionally or accidentally, but still hurt something. Ask for forgiveness often tough because you have to swallow your pride, but it is necessary. After that you need to forgive themselves and loved ones, if you are offended by them for some reason, even if undeserved. Forgive them, for God will not forgive your sins if you will not forgive men. Ask for forgiveness and forgive as sincere. It gives an amazing feeling of lightness, as if dropped from the soul the heavy load, but the way it is.
Secondly, ask for forgiveness from all his friends and acquaintances, work colleagues and neighbours if you did something wrong in front of them, and forgive them, if something does not please you. If you can not meet someone personally, ask for forgiveness and forgive in my mind.
Thirdly, you need to prepare to go to Church for confession. Take a piece of paper and remember all my sins, secret and explicit, write them down on paper, then to confession in the Church not to forget. In the Church shop you can pre-purchase a special benefit to help the penitent. This will help you in making list of sins. Go to the temple for confession. Do not be afraid and ashamed of the priest you confess before God. Well, if the priest will admit you to Holy Communion. Try to attend the temple at least once a week, to confess and take communion.
Purchase if you are not, Scripture, prayer, other spiritual literature. Start to get used to the prayer house and on the street, for the health of their family and friends, prayer before meals. Thank God for the fact that you live, rejoice in each new day, look at the world with love and wonder like a child. Remember that if you want to change around the world, you must first change ourselves.
There are many prayers guardian angel. Take the prayers from the Jordanville prayer book, read them in the old Slavonic language before going to sleep, before the icon of the angel-guardian.
Believe me that if the angel and left you for a while, then if he sees all your deeds described above, he definitely will be back!