In order to formalize itself a combination free jobs, you should agree this issue with his direct guidance. When a positive decision the employment contract drawn up, which included separate terms for combining. In the case where the employee has already drawn up an employment contract in the organization, prepared an Annex to an already existing one. The agreement must be signed by both parties. If desired, the contract should outline the specific term combination, but it is not required.
Three days before the anticipated start of execution of additional obligations need to write a statement for the combination. The Protocol in the header indicate the position, surname and initials of the chief, who is empowered to sign the order on appointment to the vacancy. Then write from whom this statement - your personal data in the same order: title, surname, name and patronymic (in full).
Below in the centre on a separate line write the word "Statement". Next, present the statement in any form, for example as follows: "I Beg You to assign me duties, "the title of the position to combine with "date" as provided by article 151 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation the order of alignment positions, with additional payment in the amount of "amount" rubles."
At the end of the document write the date on the left and on the right is your signature decoding (the initials, a surname). When sending the application to the personnel Department authorized person writes a resolution on the need for human servants of the decree and agreement with the employee.