You will need
  • - employment history of the employee;
  • - the confirmation of his appointment on a part-time job (employment contract, a copy of the order or an extract from or certificate) or dismissal (a copy of the order);
  • - a statement of the employee in the case of internal part-time;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - printing (in the case of dismissal from main job).
When hiring domestic workers that must submit to the head of the organization of the application in any form with a request to make in his workbook corresponding entry.
It is done after the next level of employment in the same manner as any record of hiring, only in the text negotiated a part-time basis.
If the entry in the labour wants to make the employee, who works part-time in another organization, he must provide one of the confirmations of your employment on the side. It could be an employment contract with another employer, a copy of the order on admission to work or an extract therefrom or a certificate of employment on company letterhead, with signature and seal of the organization.
Then in column 3 it is entered the workbook complete and in the presence of the abbreviated name of the third-party employer and a record is made of taking back to work part-time based on the employee document. In the 4th column indicate the output of the last (number, date).
Internal part-time worker may resign from office, which is extra work, without leaving the main. In this case, his employment shall be made only of resignation from part-time job, which is signed by responsible person and stamp of the employer is not necessary.
External part-time for putting a recording of dismissal must bring on the work a copy of the dismissal order with concurrent employment, discharge or other confirming document.

Before acquiring the entry of dismissal in column 3 as the title brackets the name of the organization (can be abbreviated if available), where retired part-time.
Concurrent employment can turn to the employee and to the main internal and external options. In the first case, the worker must first be fired with the main place of work and positions held concurrently, then take it to work where he was part-time, but as the main.
The situation is similar in case of dismissal from main job at the current employer into the basic running third-party part-time.
The employee must first resign from work part-time and bring on the current master copy of the appropriate order. Then quit it and be issued to the employer, who had been a part-time, already most of the work with all the associated bureaucracy: writing statements, issue orders, etc.
Can occur the situation, when an employee leaves a job for another major, while continuing to work part-time.
In this situation it is enough to quit my main job. If he in the future decide to leave the position for another employer concurrently, write about it in his workbook will make the new employer at the main place of application of forces.