You will need
  • - lease
  • - license, for example, in fish farming
To obtain the right to use water resources, take care of licenses. To obtain a license is quite simple. After getting it, you will be responsible for the full condition of the reservoir. Your responsibilities will include cleaning, land reclamation, colonization by fish, and everything else. To do this, think in advance of how many people you need to hire to care for the rented pond.
For rent lake you can act in two ways. The first, is considered the most difficult as will have to cooperate with such a complex structure as a state. Rent from a normal state pond. Bring it into full order, that is clean to the extent possible, to blend, wall. And possess legally. But, as the experience of entrepreneurs already had experience directly with the state, there is no guarantee that after you bring the rented pond in proper form, the state will not take him away from you. That is why most seasoned entrepreneurs would advise you to use the second method of rent of the lake.
Find a suitable fishing industry and conclude with them the lease of some of the prepared pond for several years. Get permission from local authorities to use the lake, collect all the documents in the organs of a rybinspektion. After that, contact the Institute of fisheries for special use of water. These documents will stipulate what types of fish you can breed in your pond, the quantity, forage base. After completing all of these documents will be made an act authorizing the fish catch. When preparing the document required by the inspector.